Change Log for 13-km development Rapid Refresh version at NOAA/ESRL/GSD

    Main RR homepage

    This change log starts from Dec 2007.

    Starting September 2018 new changes are on the top.

    1 may 2020 , 00 UTC

    Modifications to snow thermal conductivity and snow albedo for fresh snow.

    9 April 2020 , 00 UTC

    WRFV3.9 - top of the master as of 20 Feb 2020.
    Lake model is off.
    WRFV3.9 - top of rucfpe branch as of 7 April 2020.
    1. Changes to MYNN
    2. Changed to RUC LSM
    - Cleaned up RUC LSM (land and ice are separate)
    - New thresholds for snow model (land)
    - New formulation for snow thermal conductivity as a function
    of snow density over land (Sturm et al., 2017).
    Lake model is off.
    WRFV3.9snow - top of master as of 3 Oct 2019.
    New formulation for snow thermal conductivity as a function
    of snow density (Sturm et al., 2017).
    Lake model is off.
    WRFV3.9 - top of the master as of 3 Oct 2019.
    Changed VEGPARM.TBL
    Lake model is off.

    4 Oct 2019 , 12 UTC

    Transition from theia to hera.

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 - top of the master as of 3 oct 19
    Lake model is off.

    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9snow, same as in RR-cold, but with the new formulation for snow thermal conductivity as a function
    of snow density.
    Lake model is off.

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9 as in RR-cold, but with old formulation of QVG initialization - WRFV3.9oldqvg.
    Lake model is off.

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9
    Lake model is off.
    Changed VEGPARM.TBL

    18 Jul 2019 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9
    Changed VEGPARM.TBL also for wooded savanah: RS=125

    18 Jul 2019 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9
    Changed VEGPARM.TBL also for wooded savanah: RS=125

    10 Jul 2019 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9 - control for RR-cold-4
    9 soil model levels, lake is off

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9
    Changed VEGPARM.TBL for grassland and broadleaf deciduous forest
    1. IFOR is changed from 5 to 7 for grassland. This will turn on seasonal variation of Z0 in the grassland area based on the greenness.
    (Similar to cropland and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic types).
    2. RS for deciduous bradleaf forests is increased from 100. to 150. (similar to other forest types).
    For now turned back to 100, because the smaller is the number the larger the transpiration.
    Also, emissivity is increased from 0.93 to 0.94 as for other forest types. For now turned back to 100.
    3. IFOR is changed from 3 to 2 for broadleaf deciduous forests. This will increase the rooting depth and increase evapotranspiration.
    For now, set ifor=2 for all forests.

    15 Jun 2019 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9 - control for RR-cold-4
    9 soil model levels, lake is off

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9
    6 soil model levels (4 layers, like in Noah LSM), lake is off.

    12 Jun 2019 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 - control for RR-cold-2
    Lake model is off.

    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9snow with the new formulation for snow thermal conductivity as a function
    of snow density.
    Lake model is off.

    1 Feb 2019 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9. Lake model is on. New geo* file with 15" landuse with Lakes.
    Old soil data.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9. Lake model is on. New geo* file with 15" landuse with Lakes.
    New soil data.
    Explore effect of new soil types.

    8 Nov 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 - change in lake model from Ayumi (GLERL), Zt is not equal to Zm.
    Lake model is off.

    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew with changed run/SOILPARM.TBL
    Wilting points for clay soils are reduced (recommendation from Johannes)
    Lake model is off.
    Explore effect of reduced wilting points.

    6 Sep 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 - change in lake model from Ayumi (GLERL), Zt is not equal to Zm.
    Changes in RUC LSM except for the fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25).
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code with change in bare soil evaporation:
    use fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25) instead of fc=max(qmin,ref*0.5)
    Explore only effect from fc change.

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9, change in lake model from Ayumi, changes in RUC LSM.
    Lake model is on. Soil moisture adjustment is on.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9, change in lake model from Ayumi, changes in RUC LSM.
    Lake model is on. Soil moisture adjustment is off.
    Effect from soil moisture adjustment.


    5 Dec 2007

    Fix to sea-ice problem. Started using new sigma values in with lowest level now at 0.999 (previous 0.997). (Stan for Tanya)

    10 Dec 2007

    Switch to 2.2.1 WPS code with the bug-fix for winds.

    11 Dec 2007

    RR sigma levels
    To avoid vertical instability the lowest two sigma levels in cold start RR are changed from 0.999, 0.995 to 0.998, 0.994. No change in HRRR3 runs.

    6 Feb 2008

    RR - new version of WRF code
    The code is switched to beta-v3 for both WPS and WRF. WPS is build to be able to read GRIB2 data from GFS model. For SST - GRIB1 data is still used because the Vtable.SST needs to be updated for use with GRIB2 data. The DFI is turned on using new Hans's code for digital filter.

    17 April 2008

    RR - switch to WPSV3, WRFV3 and WPPV3.
    The code is switched to v3 for both WPS and WRF. The only minor change (in WRFV3) was made to module_diagnostics.F to provide the noise level output in the units we are used to, and with different frequencies for DFI and forecast.
    - DFI is still on.
    - new Grell cumulus scheme - option 5
    - ptop is changed to 10 mb (from 50 mb)

    22 April 2008, 00 UTC

    RR - change in WRFV3
    - Updated phys/module_sf_ruclsm.F. Melting limits (Egglston et al. 1971) are introduced. Result - slower melting rate, especially in cases of warm advection over snow, when differences between skin temperature and first-level atmospheric temperature are significant. Also, the skin temperature is not limited to 273K under such conditions. Similar change to RUCLSM has been made in RUC, and it improved temperature forecast over snow.

    29 April 2008

    HRRR3 - switch to WPSV3, WRFV3 implemented in RR.
    Several changes were made in WRFV3 to provide VIL output (Registry/Registy.EM, dyn_em/solve_em.F, namelist.input)

    15 July 2008, 12 UTC

    RR cold start - changes in WRFV3
    New namelist variables are added to Registry.EM:
    - mphdt - frequency of microphysics calls;
    - time_step_dfi (DFI could have different time step);
    - use_adaptive_time_step_dfi = .false. (no adaptive time step in DFI).
    Changes to the code:
    share/dfi.F - added reading in new namelist variables, and resetting time step to noraml after DFI step is done.
    dyn_em/solve_em.F - added capability to call microphysics driver not every time step.
    Starting 12z 15 July 08 these changes are included into cold-start RR.
    Namelist variables are set to: mphdt=1, time_step_dfi=60, adaptive time step can vary between 60 and 100 s. (Only one run for 12z had diff_6th_opt=1, after than 6th order diffusion is turned off again) Also, quilt I/O is turned on.

    7 August 2008, 12 UTC

    cold-start RR is switched to WPSV301 and WRFV301 (version 3.01)

    22 August 2008, 12 UTC

    For the 1h cycle, sounding generation changed to correctly read the grib files, which evidently changed format around 12 UTC 8 August 2008. Previously, the grib files incorrectly identified each level as 'hybrid lev n'. Now, the grib levels are correctly identified as 'sigma=0.00nn' where nn is the level number.

    As a result of this change, the RR1h cycle is now once again included in the RAOB verification results available on the web.

    25 August 2008, 12 UTC

    RR 1h cycles uspdated to use WRFV3 and new GSI. Special features of GSI and ARW :

    GSI: March 2008 NAM version with the following changes:
    1) fixed lots of IO problems related to the use of ARW
    2) moisture analysis (use qoption = 2 right now)
    background error variance for qoption =1 (compute_derived.f90 from NCEP)
    turned off relation between temperature and moisture (tv_to_tsen.f90)
    qoption=2 works for ARW
    3) parallel cloud analysis and cloud observation IO
    4) turn off soil moisture and skin temperature updating.
    5) normal wall time for GSI is 720 s with 64 processors
    6) updating SST at 01Z

    ARW: Version 3:
    0) DFI is used (option 3, 40 min backward and 40 min forward)
    1) use quilt to reduce IO time (8 processors)
    2) combined wrf_input and wrfout
    3) have boundary condition problems for dfi in last three cycles. right now use extra boundary fi les to bypass the problem.
    4) normal wall time for ARW is 3200 s with 120 processors
    5) use short DFI integration time step : time_step_dfi = 40,
    6) microphysics step: mphdat = 1
    7) Use new terrain that was smoothed by Joe in south boundary. The run started at 2008080723
    8)Extend relax boundary zone for ARW forecast from 5 to 10 grid

    21 October 2008, 12 UTC

    Cold-start RR - switch to Goddard shortwave radiation (ra_sw_physics=2)

    14 November 2008, 12 UTC

    Cold-start RR - TKE is added to WRF model output.

    15 December 2008, 12 UTC

    WRFPOST - switch to RUC-like visibility algorithm Implemented in both cold-start and cycled RR.

    25 December 2008, 12 UTC

    WRFPOST - switch to RUC-like ceiling/cloud top algorithm To include convective clouds after a small change in Georg Grell's G3 scheme was made.

    6 February 2009, 12 UTC

    Added cycling of surface variables (snow water equivalent, snow depth, snow density, soil temperature and moisture, skin temperature)

    9 February 2009 (17 Feb in cycled RR), 12 UTC

    - added option to output GRAUPEL on model and pressure surfaces;
    - changed SLP computation using RUC-like procedure, it includes smoothing of temperature at 700 mb used in SLP computation and and also the final SLP (as done in RUC);
    - changed computation of relative humidity on the pressure surfaces using RUC algorithm

    4 March 2009 (17 Feb in cycled RR), 12 UTC

    WRF model code - change in share/dfi.F subroutine not to use vertical damping
    in the DFI backward integration.

    Cold-start RR - switch to updated code, use damp_opt=3 with dampcoeff=0.05
    to replace damp_opt=1 and damcoeff=0.02

    19 March 2009 , 00 UTC

    WRF model code - changes in RUCLSM to include parameterization of sea-ice/snow Changes to METGRID.TBL to allow initial snow be non-zero on the sea ice.

    15 May 2009 , 12 UTC

    Switch to 3.1 version of WRF code. The length of DFI integrations is reduced to 20 minutes from 40 min with the previous version of WRF code (3.1 version crashes on 26th minute of DFI backward integration)

    13 June 2009 , 00 UTC

    Turn on 6th order diffusion:
    diff_6th_opt = 2,
    diff_6th_factor = 0.12

    26 June 2009 , 12 UTC

    Turn on fractional sea ice option:
    fractional_seaice = 1,
    seaice_threshold = 271.4

    22 July 2009 , 00 UTC

    Change in dyn_em/start_em.F to call physics initialization only once
    - this saves ~500s of run time.

    23 July 2009 , 00 UTC

    Changed diagnostics of T2 in phys/modelu_sf_sfcdiag.F

    5 August 2009 , 00 UTC

    Changes to phys/module_surface_driver.F, module_sf_ruclsm.F and addition of
    new module - module_sf_sfcdiags_ruclsm.F. All these changes are made to ensure
    consistency between different physics modules of WRF in interpretation of fluxes, surface
    variables and diagnostics of 2-m values for temperature and moisture. Additional checks
    are added to provide consistency bewtween 2-m and 1st level temperature
    and moisture, also a saturation check on Q2 is added.

    7 August 2009 , 00 UTC

    More changes to module_sf_sfcdiags_ruclsm.F.
    2-m diagnostics changes are implemented also in chemRR

    14 August 2009 , 00 UTC

    Changes in WRFPOST: esveral constants are adjusted to match WRF;
    Using TH array for potential temperature.

    8 October 2009 , 21 UTC

    Fixed bug in definition of CONFLX in module_sf_ruclsm.F from thickness
    between first full sigma level (array DZ8W) and the surface to half of this value.
    This bug fix was made in cold-start RR, RR-chem, HRRR-chem and HRRR-RR.

    13 October 2009 , 22 UTC

    HRRR-CHEM is switched to use WRF 3.1.1 code from /whome/smirnova/RR-svn/trunk/WRF311chem

    14 October 2009 , 22 UTC

    WRFPOST - Use first level U, V, T and Q for 2-m T,Q and 10-m U, V. (INITPOST.f)
    Also, switch to RUC-type dew point computation (SURFCE.f).

    15 October 2009 , 18 UTC

    WRFPOST - fixed bug in the previous change (INITPOST.f)

    21 October 2009 , 18 UTC

    WRFPOST - switch to revision 106

    22 October 2009 , 12 UTC

    WRF - switch to WRF code based on revision #3982 from NCAR WRF Repository

    15 January 2010 , 00 UTC

    Turned off 6th order diffusion and moist_adv_opt is changed from positive definite (1)
    to monotonic (2)

    29 January 2010 , 18 UTC


    Switch to 3.2 version of WRF code (from 25 Jan 2010).

    12 March 2010 , 12 UTC

    Switch to 3.2 version of WRF code (from 11 March 2010).
    Constant BC in DFI.
    Also, UNIPOST has replaced WRFPOST, and BUCKET and SFCEXTRACT tasks
    in the XML are replaced with one task - COPYGB.

    9 April 2010 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold-start, RR-CHEM and HRRR-CHEM
    Switch to official release 3.2 of version of WRF code.
    Constant BC in DFI.
    RR-CHEM - use shallow convection and radiation feedback

    24 April 2010 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold-start, RR-CHEM and HRRR-CHEM
    Use tiling (numtiles = 4)in model runs which saves ~20% of run time
    RR-CHEM - shallow convection is turned off because it causes NaNs in PM2.5 field

    4 May 2010 , 18 UTC

    RR-cold-start, RR-CHEM and HRRR-CHEM
    Changed treatment of soil moisture variable when RUC LSM is used
    Before the change wrfout* had soil moisture minus residual when RUC LSM is used.
    With the change RUC LSM still has the same treatment of soil moisture variable internally
    but wrfout* files will have total volumetric soil moisture at the model levels
    This change will make it easier to compare soil moisture variable between different LSMs.
    Graphics of RUC LSM soil moisture is more representative of actual soil moisture.
    Changes include:
    WPSV3.2 - ungrib/src/rprr.F (if initialized from RUC model add QMIN to soil moisture)
    WRFV3.2 - dyn_em/module_initialize_real.F (don't subtract QMIN for RUC LSM initialized from Noah LSM
    and don't add QMIN for Noah LSM initialized from RUC LSM)
    phys/module_sf_ruclsm.F (subtract QMIN at the beginning and add at the end)
    NO EFFECT on model performance.

    26 May 2010 , 12 UTC

    Switch to Unipost. Bucket and sfcextract steps are removed from XML.

    8 June 2010 , 18 UTC

    Use of mp_tend_lim=0.1 to prevent vertical CFL violations and crashes.

    11 June 2010 , 00 UTC

    Included computation of GD_CLOUD to WRF3.2 chem code.

    11 June 2010 , 12 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Add shallow convection - ishallow=1.

    2 August 2010 , 12 UTC

    cold-start RR, RR-chem, HRRR-chem
    WPS, WRF and UPP codes are recompiled in the new OS and run now on hcompnew nodes.

    14 September 2010 , 00 UTC

    From now on RR-CHEM will use GSI to assimilate aerosol

    15 September 2010 , 18 UTC

    From now on HRRR-CHEM will use GSI to assimilate aerosol

    21 September 2010 , 00 UTC

    The namelist parameter chemdt is changed from 3 to 30 min (for GOCART)

    1 october 2010 , 18 UTC

    RR-chem, HRRR-chem
    Emissivity bug fix from Georg (for GOCART)

    1 october 2010 , 18 UTC

    RR-cold, RR-chem - WRF rev. 232
    Bug fix in Grell's cumulusi scheme.
    Changes in DFI code, compute QV after DFI from initial RH and filtered T
    (Before QV was filtered and had only saturation check based on initial clouds.)

    15 october 2010 , 00 UTC

    Cold-started RR-chem, no ABBA fire data due to problems with the new format

    15 october 2010 , 18 UTC

    Cold-started HRRR-chem, no ABBA fire data due to problems with the new format

    20 october 2010 , 12 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Backed off a change to recompute QV from initial RH in DFI, added QVG to
    filtered variablesin DFI.

    28 october 2010 , 12 UTC

    started parallel cold-start RR on rotated lat/lon

    29 october 2010 , 12 UTC

    cold-start RR-RLL, cold-start RR, RR-chem, hrrr-chem
    Bug fix for rotated lat/lon grid, and other changes in dynamic part from 3.2.1 WRF

    2 November 2010 , 00 UTC

    cold-start RR-RLL, cold-start RR
    Updated /phys/module_bl_myjpbl.F and phys/module_sf_myjsfc.F to 3.2.1 version.

    13 November 2010 , 00 UTC

    cold-start RR-RLL, cold-start RR, RR-chem, HRRR-chem
    Switch to use interp_type=2 (in LOG pressure) instead of interp_type=1 (in pressure)

    3 December 2010 , 00 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Switch back to use interp_type=1.

    8 December 2010 , 00 UTC

    Switch back to use interp_type=1. (still no rebalancing)

    11 December 2010 , 00 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Switch to use wrf_cntrl.parm from Geoff.

    28 December 2010 , 00 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Switch to use Milbrandt microphysics.

    8 June 2011 , 12 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Use revision 3.3 of WRF and WPS code. Modifications to RUC LSM to use mosaic approach to landuse properties. Switch form USGS to MODIS landuse classification.

    8 June 2011 , 12 UTC

    Use revision 3.3 of WRFchem and WPS code.

    27 June 2011 , 12 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Modifications to RUC LSM to use mosaic approach also to soil properties.

    28 June 2011 , 00 UTC

    Fixed problem with the map projection which was introduced when switching to new version of prep_chem_sources.inp. Now the fires have correct locations.

    20 October 2011 , 00 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Switch to WRF and WPS 3.3.1 merged with the RR modifications.

    21 December 2011 , 00 UTC

    cold-start RR
    Turn on ishallow scheme (after bug fix from Georg).

    20 June 2012 , 00 UTC

    HRRR-chem is transferred from jet to zeus. It is now initialized from Rapid Refresh instead of RUC. Everything else remains the same as in the old HRRR-chem.

    29 August 2012 , 12 UTC

    Switch WPS and WRF to revision 3.4.1 with RR modifications merged in.

    19 October 2012 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold and HRRR-chem
    Switch to 9 levels in soil.

    19 November 2013 , 18 UTC

    Switch WPS and WRF to version 3.5.1.

    26 November 2013 , 18 UTC

    Discontinued RR-cold-start using Lambert Conformal projection.
    Started two parallel cold-start runs using rotated lat/lon projection on RAP dpmain.
    The first run (RLL) is primary, and the second one (RLL2) is set to test different WRF options.
    RLL - MYNN pbl
    RLL2 - MYJ

    27 November 2013 , 18 UTC

    RLL - MYNN pbl, smooth_cg_topo = .true.
    RLL2 - MYNN pbl, smooth_cg_topo = .false.

    21 February 2014 , 00 UTC

    RLL - snow density change (weighted average from snow, graupel and ice) - hypsometric_opt = 2 - swint_opt = 1 - smooth_cg_topo = .true.
    RLL2 - same namelist option as in RLL, but thickness of top snow layer is changed from 3 cm to 5 cm.

    21 February 2014 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold RLL2 - change in 2-m T diagnostics (threshold coefficient is increased from 1.e-5 to 3.e-3) - John's formulations for snow, ice and graupel density

    28 February 2014 , 00 UTC

    RLL - old 2-m T diagnostics
    RLL2 - uses new 2-m T diagnostics
    Controlled test of the change to 2-m T diagnostics.

    1 March 2014 , 00 UTC

    RLL - old vegfrac and lai
    RLL2 - MODIS greenness and LAI
    Controlled test of MODIS LAI and grenness

    25 March 2014 , 18 UTC

    RLL - MODIS vegfrac and lai with smoothed topography
    RLL2 - MODIS greenness and LAI without topo smoothing
    Effects of topo smoothing

    8 April 2014 , 12 UTC

    RLL - MODIS vegfrac and lai with smoothed topography
    RLL2 - MODIS greenness and LAI without topo smoothing plus
    Joe's changes for shcu and rad. feedback.
    Effects of topo smoothing

    20 May 2014 , 18 UTC

    Fixed reading of fire data. Set dust_opt=0, and turned off GSIchem.

    30 May 2014 , 12 UTC

    RLL - WRFV3.5.1 with MODIS vegfrac and lai.
    RLL2 - WRFV3.6 with aerosol Thompson microphysics, aer_opt = 2
    and Lake model.
    Effects of WRFV3.6 physics

    25 July 2014 , 00 UTC

    RLL - WRFV3.6 with aerosol Thompson microphysics, aer_opt = 2
    and Lake model.
    RLL2 - WRFV3.6 with aerosol Thompson microphysics, aer_opt = 2
    Lake model and MYNN changes.
    Effects of MYNN changes in WRFV3.6

    25 July 2014 , 00 UTC

    RLL2 - RUC LSM has a change for cropland.
    Also, reduced wilting point in SOILPARM.TBL.
    Effects of MYNN and RUC LSM changes in WRFV3.6

    23 October 2014 , 00 UTC

    RLL - same as RLL2, but using new RUC LSM
    Effects of RUC LSM changes in WRFV3.6

    11 November 2014 , 00 UTC

    RLL2 - use 0.25 degree GFS data

    6 April 2015 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - use wrf3.7 version of RUC LSM with modified snhei_crit and snth
    - revision 1116

    28 January 2016 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - use WRF3.7.1 with old RUC LSM, 15" MODIS land-use
    RR-cold-2 - use WRFV3.7.1 with new RUC LSM, 15" MODIS land-use
    Effects of RUC LSM changes in WRFV3.7.1

    13 April 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-2 - Lawrence formulation for water intercepted by the canopy.
    Effect: canopy evaporation should be reduced, cool and moist biases
    in the afternoon should be also reduced.

    5 May 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - use WRF3.7.1 with old RUC LSM, 30" MODIS land-use
    RR-cold-2 - use WRFV3.7.1 with new RUC LSM, 15" MODIS land-use
    Both models will run on the large North America domain.
    Effects of RUC LSM changes in WRFV3.7.1 and of 15" MODIS land-use.

    9 May 2016 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - use 30" MODIS land-use
    RR-cold-2 - use 15" MODIS land-use
    Both models will run on the large North America domain.
    Effects of 15" MODIS land-use.

    7 June 2016 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - use MODIS veg.frac climatology
    RR-cold-2 - real-time VIIRS GVF
    Effects of real-time greenness

    6 July 2016 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - replace HGT with the one with fixed heights.
    RR-cold-2 - replace HGT with the one with fixed heights. Still uses real-time VIIRS GVF
    Effects of real-time greenness

    14 July 2016 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - no change
    RR-cold-2 - aer_opt=3 (aerosol interacts with radiation)
    Effects of real-time greenness and aer_opt=3 in RR-cold-2.

    28 July 2016 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - real-time greenness, aer_opt=3
    RR-cold-2 - real-time greenness, aer_opt=3 and LAI dependence in vegfrac
    Effects of LAI dependence in vegfrac

    5 August 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - hybrid vertical coordinate, etac=0.3
    RR-cold-4 - original vertical coordinate, the same WRF code from Dave Gill (merged with GSD 3.7.1+).
    Effect of hybrid vertical coordinate.

    5 August 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - hybrid vertical coordinate, etac=0.1
    RR-cold-4 - original vertical coordinate, the same WRF code from Dave Gill (merged with GSD 3.7.1+).
    Effect of hybrid vertical coordinate.

    19 August 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - real-time greenness, aer_opt=3
    RR-cold-2 - same, but with soil resisitance to evaporation.

    23 August 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - hybrid vertical coordinate, use etac=0.2
    RR-cold-4 - original vertical coordinate, the same WRF code from Dave Gill (merged with GSD 3.7.1+).
    Effect of hybrid vertical coordinate.

    27 August 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - real-time greenness, aer_opt=3
    RR-cold-2 - same, but with soil resisitance to evaporation and solar function in transpiration.

    7 September 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - hybrid vertical coordinate - bug fix from Dave Gill.
    RR-cold-4 - original vertical coordinate, the same WRF code from Dave Gill (merged with GSD 3.7.1+).
    Effect of hybrid vertical coordinate.

    15 September 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - real-time greenness, aer_opt=3
    RR-cold-2 - same, but with soil resisitance to evaporation. Solar function in transpiration is switched from Nohlan&Planton to Mahrer&Avissar.

    15 September 2016 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - real-time greenness, aer_opt=3
    RR-cold-2 - same, but with soil resisitance to evaporation and September modificatgions to MYNN pbl.
    Compbined effect of recent physcis changes.

    6 Feb 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - real-time greenness, aer_opt=2
    RR-cold-2 - real-time greenness, aer_opt=3.
    Effect from the change of aer_opt from 2 to 3.

    15 February 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - new UPP with aerosol-dependent visibility.
    RR-cold-4 - old UPP.
    Testing of aerosol dependency in the UPP visibility computation.

    24 February 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - new UPP with aerosol-dependent visibility.
    RR-cold-4 - old UPP with changed base for RH visibility from 60 to 90 km.
    Testing of aerosol dependency in the UPP visibility computation.

    1 March 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - new UPP with aerosol-dependent visibility.

    WRFV3.8_GSD_hybridcoord code from 28feb17.
    Last commit from Jaymes Kenyon - 80909f5
    Turned on the EDMF scheme in MYNN:
    bl_mynn_tkebudget = 0,
    bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .false.,
    bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 2,
    bl_mynn_mixlength = 2,
    bl_mynn_mixqt = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf = 1,
    bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_tke = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_part = 0,
    icloud_bl = 1,

    RR-cold-4 - old UPP with changed base for RH visibility from 60 to 90 km.
    Testing of aerosol dependency in the UPP visibility computation.

    WRFV3.8_GSD_hybridcoord code from 28feb17.
    Last commit from Jaymes Kenyon - 80909f5
    Turned off EDMF scheme in MYNN:
    bl_mynn_tkebudget = 0,
    bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .false.,
    bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 0,
    bl_mynn_mixlength = 1,
    bl_mynn_mixqt = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1,
    bl_mynn_edmf_tke = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_part = 0,
    icloud_bl = 1,

    1 March 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - new UPP with aerosol-dependent visibility.
    WRFV3.8_GSD_hybridcoord with bug fix for hybrid coordinate
    hybrid_opt = 2
    etac = 0.2
    RR-cold-4 - old UPP.
    no hybrid.

    17 March 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - new UPP with aerosol-dependent visibility.
    WRFV3.8_GSD_hybridcoord with bug fix for hybrid coordinate
    hybrid_opt = 2
    etac = 0.2
    Turned on the EDMF scheme in MYNN:
    bl_mynn_tkebudget = 0,
    bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .false.,
    bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 2,
    bl_mynn_mixlength = 2,
    bl_mynn_mixqt = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf = 1,
    bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_tke = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_part = 0,
    icloud_bl = 1,

    RR-cold-4 - old UPP.
    WRFV3.8_GSD_hybridcoord with bug fix for hybrid coordinate
    hybrid_opt = 2
    etac = 0.2
    Turned off EDMF scheme in MYNN:
    bl_mynn_tkebudget = 0,
    bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .false.,
    bl_mynn_cloudpdf = 0,
    bl_mynn_mixlength = 1,
    bl_mynn_mixqt = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1,
    bl_mynn_edmf_tke = 0,
    bl_mynn_edmf_part = 0,
    icloud_bl = 1,

    28 March 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - the same.
    RR-cold-4 - one change in WRF namelist:
    ishallow = 1

    30 March 2017 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - updated WRFV3.8 code to the top of the trunk
    RR-cold-4 - updated WRFV3.8 code to the top of the trunk
    RR-cold - updated WRFV3.8 code to the top of the trunk

    4 April 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option turned off.

    11 April 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=1;
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2.

    25 April 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9 code with hybrid option on.

    2 May 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on;
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport off.

    Result: worse performance in RR-cold-4.

    4 May 2017 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on,

    doubled smoothing in UPP;
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on.

    Result: no effect, will repeat the test when verification on isobaric surfaces is available.

    6 May 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on, 1 pass smoothing in topography,zdamp=8000.

    Result: worse performance in RR-cold-4.

    9 May 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on, doubled smoothing in UPP.

    Result: only slight improvements in upper-air verification from additional smoothing in UPP.

    9 May 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=0 (default),real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=3 - gravity wave drag on, real-time GVF.

    Result: slight improvement in low-level winds in Western US.

    12 May 2017 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, momentum transport on,

    UPP reads actual u10 and v10, rather that 1-st level winds.

    Result: actual diagnosed u10 and v10 increase RMS error and positive bias.

    17 May 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=3 - gravity wave drag on, real-time GVF.
    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, UPP post-process actual u10 and v10, rather that 1-st level winds.

    23 May 2017 , 12 UTC

    WRFV3.8 code has an update from Joe to compute U10/V10 diagnostics using neutral-log.

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=3 - gravity wave drag on, real-time GVF.
    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, UPP post-process actual u10 and v10, rather that 1-st level winds.

    9 June 2017 , 00 UTC

    WRFV3.8 code has an update from Joe to compute U10/V10 diagnostics using neutral-log.

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, turned off solar factor in RUC LSM.

    Result: very close, RR-cold slightly better, especially for the Western US.

    24 June 2017 , 00 UTC

    WRFV3.8 code has an update from Joe to compute U10/V10 diagnostics using neutral-log.

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and topography data.


    28 June 2017 , 12 UTC

    WRFV3.8 code has an update from Joe to compute U10/V10 diagnostics using neutral-log.

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and old topo data.

    Result: improved 2-m T and Td in the Western US, slight improvement in 2-m Td in the Eastern US, mixed result for 2-m T in Eastern US: better biases,
    but slightly worse RMSE.

    6 July 2017 , 00 UTC

    WRFV3.8 code has an update from Joe to compute U10/V10 diagnostics using neutral-log.

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the old soil and new topo data.
    Result: improvements in 2-m, T, Td and 10-m wind over Western US with the new topography, and slightly worse 2-m T RMSE over Eastern US.
    Overall, improvement in RR-cold-2.

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF.

    11 July 2017 , 00 UTC

    WRFV3.8 code has an update from Joe to compute U10/V10 diagnostics using neutral-log.

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD from Joe, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data.

    13 July 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, update in GWD, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    adjusted soil moisture initialized from the Noah model.
    Result: reduced cold and moist biases.

    17 July 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=0, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=0, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    modified adjustment of soil moisture initialized from the Noah model.
    Result: reduced cold/moist bias in the lower troposphere from soil moisture adjustment.

    30 August 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data, fractional sea ice.

    30 November 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data, fractional sea
    ice. Added read in GFS canopy water.

    8 December 2017 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=0, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    modified adjustment of soil moisture initialized from the Noah model.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=0, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    modified adjustment of soil moisture initialized from the Noah model, MODIS albedo.
    Result from MODIS albedo test: Slightly increased cold bias and RMSE at 0z with the MODIS albedo.

    12 January 2018 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data, fractional sea
    ice. Use of GFS canopy water. Added MYNN sfc change to compute separate exchange coeff. for snow and snow-free reagions.

    14 January 2018 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data, fractional sea
    ice. Use of GFS canopy water. Removed MYNN sfc change to compute separate exchange coeff. for snow and snow-free reagions - buggy verson.

    25 January 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data, fractional sea
    ice. Use of GFS canopy water.
    Added MYNN sfc change to compute separate exchange coeff. for snow and snow-free regions.

    16 March 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0 (default), real-time GVF;
    Added soil moisture adjustment when initialized from GFS with the Noah LSM.
    Added change in RUC LSM to compute snow density and not to use snow mosaic below 271 K.

    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=0, real-time GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data, MODIS albedo.
    Use of GFS canopy water. Added MYNN sfc change to compute separate exchange coeff. for snow and snow-free regions.
    Added soil moisture adjustment when initialized from GFS with the Noah LSM.
    Added change in RUC LSM to compute snow density and not to use snow mosaic below 271 K.
    Removed fractional sea ice.
    Effect of new soil classes, GMTED2010 topo, MODIS albbedo, and MYNN sfc change in RR-cold-2 compared to control RR-cold.

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=0, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    modified adjustment of soil moisture initialized from the Noah model.
    Switched to MODIS albedo.

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=0, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    modified adjustment of soil moisture initialized from the Noah model, MODIS albedo.
    Fractional sea ice.
    Effect from fractional sea ice.

    19 April 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    modified adjustment of soil moisture initialized from the Noah model.
    Switched to MODIS albedo. Added fractional sea ice.

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9 code with hybrid option on, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, new geo* file with the new soil and new topo data,
    modified adjustment of soil moisture initialized from the Noah model, MODIS albedo with albedo dependence on solar angle. Fractional sea ice.
    WRFv3.9 versus WRFv3.8.1

    26 April 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-2 - same as RR-cold-4, but with alternative 2-m diagnostics.

    9 May 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-4 - flux=.false. in module_sf_sfcdiags_ruclsm.F
    RR-cold-2 - same as RR-cold-4, but with alternative 2-m diagnostics, flux=.false.

    14 May 2018 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold-4 - flux=.false. in module_sf_sfcdiags_ruclsm.F
    RR-cold-2 - same as RR-cold-4, flux=.false., changes in surface MYNN.

    16 May 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-4 - added Jimy's fix for Q2: Q2<1.05Qlev1.
    RR-cold-2 - same as RR-cold-4, flux=.false., changes in surface MYNN,
    added Jimy's fix for Q2: Q2<1.05Qlev1.

    1 June 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=3, real-time GVF;
    soil moisture adjustment. Old geo* file.
    This run is a control for RR-cold-2.
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.8 code with hybrid option on, diff_opt=2, gwd_opt=3, real-time GVF;
    soil moisture adjustment. New geo* file (MODIS albedo and snow albedo, new topo, new soils)
    Fractional sea ice.
    Check effect of new geo* file and fractional sea ice.

    1 June 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9_mynn_stan - change in MYNN from Stan, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN,
    new geo* file, albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    Fractiona sea ice.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN, new geo* file.
    albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    Fractiona sea ice.
    This run is a control for RR-cold-3 with Stan's change in MYNN.

    8 June 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9_mynn_stan - gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN,
    new geo* file, albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    Fractiona sea ice.
    Reverted change from Stan in Eq. 7. New change from Jaymes in Eq. 9 (0.225 -> 0.250).

    22 June 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 code
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code, plus new soil moisture adjustment and change in bare soil evaporation.

    26 June 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 code, switch to climatological GVF, because NASA hasn't updated the data since February 2018.
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code, plus new soil moisture adjustment and change in bare soil evaporation.
    Switched to climatological GVF.

    4 July 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 code, switch to climatological GVF, because NASA hasn't updated the data since February 2018.
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code with change in bare soil evaporation.
    use fc=max(qmin,ref) instead of fc=max(qmin,ref*0.5)
    Soil moisture adjustment is pulled out.
    Switched to climatological GVF.
    Result: warmer and drier during the day, this change increases warm/dry biases in RAP.

    21 July 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9_lake - lake model is on, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN,
    new geo* file, albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    Fractiona sea ice.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN, new geo* file.
    albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    Fractiona sea ice.
    This run is a control for RR-cold-3 with the lake model.

    25 July 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9_lake - lake model is on, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN,
    new geo* file, albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    Fractiona sea ice.
    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN, new geo* file.
    albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    Fractiona sea ice.
    Switched places, now RR_cold-3 is control for RR-cold-4 with lakes.

    4 Aug 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 code, switch to climatological GVF, because NASA hasn't updated the data since February 2018.
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code with change in bare soil evaporation:
    use fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25) instead of fc=max(qmin,ref*0.5)
    Result: reduced warm/dry bias.

    5 Aug 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 code, switch to climatological GVF, because NASA hasn't updated the data since February 2018.
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code with change in bare soil evaporation:
    use fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25) instead of fc=max(qmin,ref*0.5)
    Also, remove iteration in energy budget when Qatm > Qsurface, which increases warm night-time bias.

    14 Aug 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 code, switch to climatological GVF, because NASA hasn't updated the data since February 2018.
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code with change in bare soil evaporation:
    use fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25) instead of fc=max(qmin,ref*0.5)
    Also, remove iteration in energy budget when Qatm > Qsurface, which increases warm night-time bias.
    Added bug fix for LAItoday.

    27 Aug 2018 , 12 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 top of the trunk with MYNN changes for subgrid-scale clouds.
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code with change in bare soil evaporation:
    use fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25) instead of fc=max(qmin,ref*0.5)
    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9, top of the trunk with MYNN changes for subgrid-scale clouds.
    gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN, new geo* file.
    albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.
    This run is a control for RR-cold-3 with the lake model.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9 top of the trunk with MYNN changes for subgrid-scale clouds.
    Lake model is on, gwd_opt=3, diff_opt=2, climate GVF, change in sfc MYNN,
    new geo* file, albedo dependence on solar zenith angle. Old 2-m diagnostics.

    30 Aug 2018, 12 UTC

    All four cold-start RAPs are updated to the top of the trunk WRFV3.9 code compiled for PNETCDF.
    Unipost (UPP) is also updated, and scripts are changed to read new wrfout* files in PnetCDF
    format. UPP is not writing out *grib1 files now, but creates grib2 files directly without convert,

    as in real time RAP-dev1.

    6 Sep 2018 , 00 UTC

    RR-cold - WRFV3.9 - change in lake model from Ayumi (GLERL), Zt is not equal to Zm.
    Changes in RUC LSM except for the fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25).
    RR-cold-2 - WRFV3.9_soilnew code with change in bare soil evaporation:
    use fc=max(qmin,ref*0.25) instead of fc=max(qmin,ref*0.5)
    Explore only effect from fc change.
    RR-cold-3 - WRFV3.9, change in lake model from Ayumi, changes in RUC LSM.
    Lake model is on. Soil moisture adjustment is on.
    RR-cold-4 - WRFV3.9, change in lake model from Ayumi, changes in RUC LSM.
    Lake model is on. Soil moisture adjustment is off.
    Effect from soil moisture adjustment.

    Cycled RR Change log after Nov 2008 (and some of the change log before Nov08)

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